I hate Communists! Episode 2

Continued from here:

I Hate Communists Episode 1
Yep, still hate them.  And here I will explain why.

A Failed System

Trans: Youth forward to fight for a happy socialist Poland

Trans: Youth forward to fight for a happy socialist Poland

Now I may root for the New York Jets, but generally in politics I do not like losers so much.  Especially those who fail through no fault but their own.  And communism failed, failed miserably, all through its own doing.  It was inevitable.  There were no ifs or buts.  It was only a question of time.  A question of how much and for how long would the Red Masters be willing to force their flock to suffer before even they realized that this can not last.  It took a while, they drove their countries into ruin, but eventually even they could not force their people to live any longer in such misery.  Communism went bankrupt, and the world is better for it.  The only shame is that it lasted longer than one day.  It was not undermined by foreigners or from within.  It just failed, it could not work.  It is that simple.  Communism, for all its good intentions, is a system that goes against human nature.  And as such it is incompatible to humanity in any way shape or form.  Humans don’t do much for the good of the people.  We are rather selfish creatures.  We are also individualist creatures, we want to do things as we want, when we want and how we want, communism does not allow for that.  Communist economic ideals simply did not withstand the test of time.  As soon as people were given a chance they shed its Red cloak and went the way of communism’s enemy.  The people want capitalism.  Now of course we may debate what kind of capitalism we want, and which is best for societies, but communism is bankrupt.  It fell, either through upheaval or from the top, as in China.  The Chinese rulers may call themselves communists, but every time they do Karl Marx does 360 degrees in his grave.  The Chinese are the biggest capitalists the world has seen.  They realized that in order to stay in power they will have to give their people means to live.  No Central Planning economy was self sustaining.  It simply does not work.  Never has, never will.

Any brief illusion of Red prosperity was a lie to quiet the people.  But that too could not last.  By giving their people bread and luxuries (years after the decadent West had them) the Red masters bankrupted their nations.  It simply was not efficient.  The idea of getting out as much as you put in was a farce.  Its great in books and brochures.  Problems start when the idiots who read them try to implement them.  Now of course commie apologists will point out that we have never witnessed true communism.  And they would be correct.  Communism as the Red Prophets envisioned has never been attained.  There is a reason for that.  Because its impossible.  Simple really.  In that sense communism is like religious paradise.  Unattainable on the planet Earth.  Yet again the apologists will try to explain that historically it was so because not all the countries were communist and therefore true communism was undermined by the imperialist Western powers.  Well no, not really.  The reason many countries did not become commie was quite simple.  Paradise is an illusion, an unattainable illusion, and most people not only do not want it, they realize that its an illusion.  Communism, for all its grand talk of being a people’s movement was never supported by those it wanted to save.  It was always a minority movement, usually enforced from the top and as such it could not be supported by the people.  The whole thing was built on a lie.

Thou Shalt Have No Other Comrades Before Me

Yep, sounds like a Commandment, and it was really.  The Red Prophets despised and put down religion, and for a good reason.  No one likes competition.  Communism was not just a movement to help people, it wanted to save them.  And as such it would tolerate no other gods before them.  They took the “cult of personality” to a new level.  They had the great prophets, Marx, Engels, and their new Christ, Lenin.  They had their martyrs, Che, Rosa Luxemburg, many anarchists of the 19th and 20th Centuries whom they took as their own, whether they were or not.  They had their Holy Book.  They had their ideology.

There was one constant in communism, a unique thing for them.  The one constant thing was their Holy Trinity of Marx, Engels and Lenin.  Everything else varied depending on the time and circumstances.  Stalin and his flock were thought as holy until Khrushchev made his little speech, then it was ok to criticize The Great Stalin.  After Brezhnev took over then of course it was ok to criticize the Ukrainian peasant.  And so one and so forth.  Each and every time the new one came to power the speech started with “mistakes were made”  blah blah blah.  Same speech, different names.  Pointing the finger at individuals, the system overall was perfect, it was only those who were corrupt that make it imperfect.  Every communist country witnessed this.  Every new leader was going to make changes for the better, and finally lead everyone to the Promised land.  Yep, each new guy in charge was the new Moses.  But after a while everyone saw through it for the bullshit that it was.  It wasn’t the old guys, it was the system.

And the system was corrupt itself.  It was built on a lie, in fact it was a lie itself.  And it was impossible to argue with the dialectic.  The dialectic was flexible.  It could explain everything and anything.  It was full of great words and big promises.  The fact that it was so flexible proves that it was a lie.  The same people using the same logic first explained to everyone why Stalin’s actions were for the good of the people, then after his death, they explained why they were bad.  And in the same breath they explained, using the same logic, how everything will be different.  They kept changing their dialectic almost on a daily basis.  That is why it failed.  It was a lie.

The Red Terror

We know of the countless millions of people the Reds murdered over the years.  There is no need to rehash every crime they committed.  What I want to point out is that they committed crimes against the very people they claimed they were saving.  It wasn’t just reactionaries, enemies of the State, and foreign capitalist agents that they murdered.  They murdered their own.  Every chance they got.  When they just kill them all they quashed them.  A perfect example is the Polish Solidarity movement.  It was a TRADE UNION!!!  Yes, a trade union.  People tend to forget that.  They were not asking for much.  Just some respect and a say.  They were not the enemies of communism, they were not foreign agents.  They were the Proletariat!!!  They did not ask for power, they did not want to depose the Commies, they wanted the system to give them what they deserved.  What they got was something totally different.  The Communists are not the enemies of the evil capitalists, they are the enemies of the peasant and the proletariat they claim they represent!!!  In that they are worse than any religion, for the religious are intolerant only of the unfaithful.  The Reds tolerated no one but those in power, the rest were there to take orders and smile and applaud.

The authoritarian nature of communism is what makes it so evil.  Freedom is only a slogan.  The Reds tolerated no dissenters.  They rewrote histories.  Called people who were good evil.  Called those who were evil good.  The evil Czars based their power on traditions and secret police.  Communism was without tradition so their power rested solely on terror.  They want to control people’s hearts and minds.  As such it was completely paranoid.  And this paranoia extended everywhere.  Schools, hospitals, workplace, playground, everywhere.  The censorship the communists employed was shocking.

There was nothing democratic about the People’s Democracy.  Power corrupts, and once the commies gained power they became totally corrupt and bankrupt.  Slogans and speeches were the only thing that resembled their ideals.  Everything else they did was totally against it.  It became just a fight to stay in power.  The right today accuse those on the left of being socialists or communists.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The left realizes all the evils of communism.  There were no bigger enemies of the communists than the left liberals, and many real socialist movements.  Its because their ideals “appear” to be similar that they know them the best.  And as such the left realize communism’s true face, in all its vilest.  Communism is antidemocratic by nature.  If you dare to think differently than the Red Gods you automatically become the enemy.  They claim to have the good of the people at heart, therefore they will easily kill those same people because they know better.  I don’t know what was worst, the power hungry cynics who only said and did things to preserve themselves in power, or the fanatics who truly believed those lies.  In the end it did not really matter, they killed and oppressed with the same force.

The 21st Century Reds

Yes, its strange, but even though they are few in number, communists exist today.  They mostly are just some idealistic kids who see injustice in the world and whether through ignorance or revisionism, believe that the Red Gods can still save us.  In a way its admirable that there are people who see everyone as equals, that they want to end starvation, injustice, class differences, and oppression.  its great, and I am not being sarcastic when I say that.  Its just that communism never really did any of those things, and what’s worse, the Red Gods never really wanted to do all those things.  But today’s communists to not want to think about that, they want to think about the slogans, remember the nice speeches, and remind themselves of the evils of capitalism and oppression they suffer under their current rulers.  Once they achieve power it will be different this time.  Will it?  Somehow I doubt it.  And I have a good reason to doubt it.  Its happened every time the communists tried to bring the Red Paradise to everyone.  What we got instead was hell.  There is nothing just about forced redistribution of wealth, and guess what, the wealthy will not give up their status willingly.  So you will, once again call them the enemies of the people and slaughter them, and anyone who tried to defend them.  Justice?  I think not.  What if the people decide they do not want to produce end tables?  What if they want something else?  That was the problem with the communists, dissenters, no matter how justified, were classed as enemies of the state, and as such could be dealt with appropriately.  It was a throwback to forced conversions, “you can either be saved or we will kill you, we’re only doing this cause we love you so much.”  Thanks but no thanks, the dictatorship of the proletariat is as evil as any authoritarian regime was.   Here the commies are even worse than any religious fanatics.  The religious fanatics will actually allow for some dissent as long as it does not piss them off too much.  To the reds on the other hand, any dissent is high treason, it goes against the people!  Well its the people who are dissenting.  How can it!?

The question of private property is a strange one.  A normal state of affairs is of course that one works, one buys, one owns as the fruit of one’s labour.  Now of course private ownership and capitalism provide all kinds of ways for abuse.  However state ownership, or communal ownership is unnatural.  its simple.  Just as most red things are, this too goes against everything humans believe.  And no its not brainwashing and reactionary traditions.  In order for communism to work we would all truly have to be equal and have equal abilities.  But we are not.  And that is the problem.  The farmer who toils from sunrise to sunset will grow more than one who works half as much.  How can one ask both to reap the same rewards!  Of course the Reds will say that once they are in charge all will work as hard.  Well no, we wont!  Never have never will.  What will you do when we wont?  Kill all those who don’t carry their weight?  Will your explanation be as those who are religious?  Well god gave it and god can take it away?  The proletariat giveth and the proletariat taketh away?  Really?  Its the proletariat who were not working.  So for the good of the people the people will suffer again?  Sorry, it just does not make any sense.

I could make this a 10 part series, or 100 part series.  Nothing will change.  For all the Red good intentions they do not realize that we can not gain paradise on Earth.  Every time someone tried they miserably failed.  You too will fail, your system goes against human nature, freedom, and equality.  Instead of watching your respective dictators ruin your countries and dreaming how thing will be so much better when you are in charge why not do something useful and constructive for a change?  Why not work to make things a little better.  You can’t and wont make everyone equal, you can’t and wont make all of us happy.  Because I disagree.  And therefore by me disagreeing you would have to kill me or force me to do things I do not want.  And that my Red friends is not paradise.  A society is as good as its individuals.  And it serves to benefit its individuals as much as the individuals should serve their society.  Communism forgets half of that, and because they do they are against the people and enslave their people more than any evil capitalists do.

I may have been a tad hasty all the way back at the beginning of Episode 1 when I said I hate all Communists.  Not true.  I do not hate Michail Gorbachev.  He was the one who let this whole mess fail.  he told his Polish puppets to give the Polish Proletariat what it wanted, freedom and democracy.  And like good little servants they were, the Polish Communists did.  And Poland is so much better for it, and I thank Gorbachev for that.